Those in love with Italy dream to see Florence

Travel Trade Exhibition

January 28 – January 29, 2025

Palazzo Borghese, Florence, Italy

About the Event

The idea to create the event Terra Italia was born as a synergy of our vision of the current travel trends, our experience and our motivation to reintroduce Italy to the travel agencies in a different way. We will take the best from the other luxury travel shows making the event interactive and easygoing, with deepening into Italian atmosphere and culture providing local activities.

But it will be informative at the same time, scheduling the way all exhibitors will meet all buyers. In spite of the fact that we work with a variety of markets, Terra Italia will target the ones, which are quite abandoned now but feed us with high quality bookings and volumes: Eastern and Northern Europe.

You'll have a chance to enjoy communication with buyers during 2 days of workshop, welcome reception, lunches, gala-dinner and inviting them to the tailor-made post-tour to your hotel to experience it after the show.


Palazzo Borghese, Florence.


Hotels, Tourism board of Toscana.

Hosted Buyers

TO, TA, Concierge companies representing Sweden, Norway, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Russian Federation, Poland, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Armenia, Greece and Cyprus.


Day 1

27 of January 2025


Day 2

28 of January 2025

Palazzo Borghese, Via Ghibellina, 110 N – 50122 Firenze,

9.30 - 10.00 Registration and coffee break
10.00 – 13.00 Meetings (15 min)
11.30 – 11.45 Coffee break
13.00 – 14.00 Networking lunch
14.00 – 17.00 Meetings (15 min)
15.30 – 15.45 Coffee break

Total number of meetings: 22

20.00 Cocktail «Unique flavors of Tuscany»

Day 3

29 of January 2025

9.30 - 10.00 Coffee break
10.00 – 13.00 Meetings (15 min)
11.30 – 11.45 Coffee break
13.00 – 14.00 Networking lunch
14.00 – 16.00 Meetings (15 min)

Total number of meetings: 19

19.30 - 23.00 Gala Dinner "Rediscover Florence and experience its uniqueness



Explore All


Компания UAB Europae Media стала одной из первых компаний, предоставляющих маркетинговые услуги широко известным в мире отельным цепочкам, туристическим офисам и основным компаниям, а также оказывающих поддержку иностранным партнерам на рынке роскошного туризма. UAB Europae Media стала агентом по маркетингу и PR для нескольких ведущих международных отельных цепочек, туристических операторов и офисов по туризму.

Компания UAB Europae Media стала одной из первых компаний, предоставляющих маркетинговые услуги широко известным в мире отельным цепочкам, туристическим офисам и основным компаниям, а также оказывающих поддержку иностранным партнерам на рынке роскошного туризма. UAB Europae Media стала агентом по маркетингу и PR для нескольких ведущих международных отельных цепочек, туристических операторов и офисов по туризму.


Discover Tuscany with LTP.TRAVEL and Travel Media

Largo Novello 1/F 50126 - Florence
P.I. 06738150488